All Culinary Schools
A comprehensive database of U.S. culinary schools where users can search for everything from culinary arts to restaurant management by location, degree type or specialty. It is a free resource for all students interested in culinary school.
Brainfood’s mission is to use food as a tool to build life skills with youth in a fun and creative setting.
Chef Joe Randall, Joe Randall’s Cooking School, Savannah, Georgia
Chicago Learning Guide
List of Chicago Food & Drink Schools and Private Teachers, etc.
Chicago Wine School Schedules of Wine Classes
Extensive List of Links to Chef/Culinary Associations, Culinary Arts Schools, Food and Beverage, Publications, Recipes, Trade Shows and Festivals.
Flavour Cooking School in Forest Park, Illinois. Offering cooking classes for children starting at age 4 thru adults
Kendall College, School of Culinary Arts
Anne Willan, La Varenne, the famous French cooking school, at the Château du Fey in Burgundy (France) and The Greenbrier resort in West Virginia (USA).”
Local Schools and Culinary Classes
Listing of Casual and Professional classes