25 Years of Great Chicago Cooking and Drinking 

Presented by
Carol Haddix, Food Editor, Chicago Tribune, and
Barbara Glunz, The House of Glunz Wine Shop

Podcast by Chicago Amplified of WBEZ Chicago Public Radio

Carol Haddix, food editor for the Chicago Tribune and a founding member of the Culinary Historians of Chicago, will be discussing and signing Chicago Cooks” (25 Years of Food History, with Menus, Recipes and Tips from Les Dames d’Escoffier Chicago. She will be joined by Barbara Glunz, who will discuss the changes in the wine and spirits business for the last quarter century. Continue reading

Smothered–Southern Style 

Presented by
Wilbert Jones
Author, “Smothered Southern Foods”

Here’s what Art Smith, best selling author of “Back to the Table,” and personal chef to Oprah Winfrey, has to say about our speaker for today: ”When I was growing up in the South, I remember seeing so many wonderful foods on our family dinner table. Some of my favorite foods were smothered dishes, especially smothered pork chops–cut thin, browned in a pan, then we would add some flour and water to the reserved juices to make a wonderful sauce served over white rice. Continue reading

A Cake Walk Through Southern History 

By Nancie McDermott
Food Writer, Cookbook Author, Teacher

Author Nancie McDermott is letting her roots show. Renowned for her recipes and writings on the cuisines and culture of Southeast Asia, where she spent three years as a Peace Corps volunteer, McDermott’s latest volume is truly the frosting on her culinary cake. Ms. McDermott brings us down home to her beloved south for “Southern Cakes,” which layers on a luscious bounty of coconut cakes, pound cakes, jelly cakes, fruitcakes and classics like Lady Baltimore Cake, and Thirteen-layer Cake. Continue reading

Tales of the Berghoff 

Presented by Jan Berghoff and Carlyn Berghoff, with author Nancy Ross Ryan

Berghoff Restaurant
17 W. Adams St., Chicago

Join us for one of our most special occasions ever when the Berghoff family hosts us, and tells us about their more than 100-year history in Chicago, which is truly Chicago’s History. They will also be signing copies of their just-published The Berghoff Family Cookbook, loaded with,lore, and their classic recipes –Now you too can make your own classic Berghoff creamed spinach, schnitzel and strudel!  Continue reading

Greektown in all its glory 

Presented by
Alexa Ganakos
Author, “Greektown Chicago: Its History-Its Recipes”


Let’s give a rousing “Opa!” as we welcome Alexa Ganakos who will take us on an armchair tour of Chicago’s Greektown. A fountainhead of Greek culture, Ms. Ganakos will showcase her beloved community in a multimedia presentation that reveals the soul of this vibrant Chicago treasure.  Continue reading