Mrs. Charles Darwin’s Recipe Book

Presentation by
Weslie Janeway

Tuesday, November 10th, 2009 at 7 PM

Podcast recorded by WBEZ’s Chicago Amplified

1235 West Randolph Street
Chicago, IL 60607

While scientist Charles Darwin pursued research and theory, his wife Emma Wedgwood Darwin, like many women of her time, kept a notebook filled with recipes, culinary instructions and personal anecdotes about everyday life in the Darwin household. Continue reading

Pumpkins and Squashes: Evolution in an American Family’s Folk Food

Presentation by
Aggie “The Tomato Lady” Nehmzow

Podcast courtesy of WBEZ’s Chicago Amplified

Last October on a sunny day with puffy clouds arranged gloriously across the horizon, three generation of Nehmzow women set out for Heap’s Giant Pumpkin Farm. Our mission was threefold: culinary, decorative and diversity. Continue reading

All the World Loves a Curry

Talk by Colleen Taylor Sen and Lunch

Bhabi’s Kitchen
6352 North Oakley

Podcast courtesy of WBEZ’s Chicago Amplified

Curry is one of the most widely used—and misused—terms in the culinary lexicon. Outside of India, the word curry is often used as a catchall to describe any Indian dish or Indian food in general, yet Indians rarely use it to describe their own cuisine. Continue reading

Corn: 1840’s Agricultural Snapshot

Chuck Bauer,
Volunteer at Garfield Farm Museum,   
3N016 Garfield Road. LaFox, IL (or St. Charles, IL), 630-584-8485

Early arrivers: Tour at 12:30 PM of Garfield Farm and Inn

Podcast courtesy of WBEZ’s Chicago Amplified

Chuck Bauer, will lecture on the history of corn.  There will be discussion of the type used in the 1840’s and how farmers manipulated corn to create the variety we have today.  Continue reading

A Tour of Kendall College’s “Culinary Curiosity Exhibition”

Victoria K. Matranga,

Please reserve to allow us to plan for additional tour groups and staggered tours, if needed.

The Culinary Curiosity exhibition features devices and documentation generously donated by Mel and Janet Mickevic. Mr. Mickevic, a retired food scientist, inherited antique food preparation equipment from his parents and from Janet’s father, a candy technologist and researcher.  After World War II he began acquiring tools from many cultures.  His collecting was inspired by “a love of antique mechanical devices as examples of human ingenuity and problem-solving ability,” according to Dean Christopher Koetke.

Victoria Matranga, exhibition curator, is design programs coordinator for the International Housewares Association. She is the author of America at Home: A Celebration of Twentieth-Century Housewares. As a museum consultant, she has worked for clients such as Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry.

Wear comfortable shoes, because this will be a walking tour of the exhibits located at seven locations throughout Kendall College.