The Burning Question of Carbonara: Fanciful Aetiologies, Practical and Aesthetic Realities

Presented by
Anthony F. Buccini, PhD

Long regarded as emblematic for Roman cookery and now internationally beloved as a delicious representative of Italy’s emerging national cuisine, spaghetti alla carbonara has –– not surprisingly –– been the subject of considerable speculation, debate and even teeth-gnashing with regard both to the ‘authenticity’ of different recipes and to the circumstances of the dish’s invention. Indeed, the various theories proposed for the origins of this pairing of pasta, pork, cheese and eggs illustrate a remarkable range of possible accounts for such cultural items and yet few of these pass beyond the anecdotal and none considers broadly the cultural context in which the dish arose. Continue reading

“Juggling Food and Cameras”

A program and DVD screening by
Gaylon Emerzian
Producer of James Beard Award winning
and PBS documentary “Living on the Wedge”

Gaylon Emerzian of Trillium Productions (, independent film producer and James Beard award winner will give you the insider’s view on the insanity of launching two video/culinary projects in the same year: website and the hour long documentary “Living on the Wedge.” Continue reading

The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Cheese

A program by Melanie Villines

How did Alpha-Bits cereal, Lunchables, Stove Top stuffing, Fig Newtons, and hundreds of other Kraft Foods products get their start? The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Cheese tells the stories behind the products – and the people behind the brands. Thanks to these inventors, soldiers enjoyed wholesome rations during WWI and WWII. Continue reading