Belgians in Chicago

Who would be up for a tour of the sites of Belgian settlement in Chicago?

What, you say, Belgians? In Chicago?! Yes and yes.

Conducted by Krista Reynen
(Who wrote the entry on Belgians in the Encyclopedia of Chicago)


The tour will start at 12 pm (to accommodate the church). We will meet in front of St. John Berchmans Church at Logan Boulevard. There are no steps to get into the church at the moment but we will enter via a side entrance. Continue reading

Jewish Farmer Movement in South New Jersey Colonies circa 1882

A program by
Myra Albert

Beginning in the 1880’s there was a philanthropic movement to return Jewish immigrants “back to the soil.”  By 1924 there were 75,000 Jewish farmers in the USA.  Presenter Myra Albert recollects her Grandpa’s poultry and produce farm in New Jersey and reads from her Mother’s memoirs about this “healthier lifestyle.”  Continue reading