Western Mediterranean Vegetable Stews and the Integration of Culinary Exotica

Presented by Anthony F. Buccini, PhD

One aspect of the issue of culinary authenticity involves the borrowing and integration of new foodstuffs. In this paper we address this aspect of authenticity in connexion with the family of western Mediterranean vegetable stews, namely, pisto, samfaina, cianfotta and ratatouille, a family of dishes which to some are emblematic for the cuisines of the region but which all feature multiple exotic ingredients (eggplant, peppers, tomato, courgette, potato). Continue reading

Insider’s Guide to Chinese Barbeque

Presented by
Chinese-American Museum of Chicago

Learn about the famous Chinese dish Peking duck and other barbeque dishes with an introduction by one of the Midwest’s leading experts on Chinese barbeque.  We will begin with lecture and slide presentation at the Chinese-American Museum, followed by walking to two restaurants that specialize in Chinese barbeque for a tasting. Continue reading