Talking Turkey (The country, that is) Introduction to the Dining Culture  Of the Ottoman Empire

Presented by
Channon Mondoux
Culinary Historian, Author and Cooking Teacher

Podcast courtesy of WBEZ’s Chicago Amplified

Join us as we travel back to the 16th Century when one of the greatest rulers in history, Suleyman the Magnificent ruled the Ottoman empire from the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul. Our “culinary tour leader” Channon Mondoux will regale us with the observations of visitors from that period and reveal the palace’s ancient recipes and kitchen setup. Continue reading

Passage to India

Presented by:
Suvir Saran
Chef, Devi Restaurant, New York City and author of “American Masala” and “Indian Home Cooking”

Ranjana Bhargava Indian Cooking School
6730 S. Euclid Ave. Chicago

Podcast courtesy of WBEZ’s Chicago Amplified

New Delhi-born Suvir Saran, chef/owner of the highly acclaimed Dévi restaurant in New York City and cookbook author of American Masala and Indian Home Cooking, will conduct a virtual journey through the world’s spice markets, exploring the nuances of spices and the cultural and historical influences of spices on Indian cuisine. Chef Saran will also demonstrate how to coax out the essence of spices, and talk about buying and storing spices – from cardamom to mustard seeds to turmeric. Continue reading

“The Sweet and Savory Tale of Australia” A look at Culinary History from the “Land Down Under”

Presented by native Aussie: Chef Naomi Levine, Tipsy Cake Bakery, Chicago and CHC’s very own:
Cynthia Clampitt, Author, “Waltzing Australia”

Podcast recorded by Chicago Amplified of WBEZ Chicago

G’Day mate! Do come and join us to celebrate Australia’s evolution as a foodie destination, and hear firsthand how there’s a lot more to chow down than that country’s fabled substance, Vegemite. None other than one of Australia’s finest foodie exports, chef Naomi Levine will be on hand to dish out some luscious lore about where Australia was and is now ascending towards in its astounding food evolution. Continue reading

The Sweet History of French Pastry

Presented by
Keli Fayard
Co-chef and Co-owner Vanille Patisserie, Chicago

Podcast courtesy of WBEZ’s Chicago Amplified

We’re going to satisfy your historical sweet tooth when pastry chef Keli Fayard gives us a slice of French Pastry history. There’s a whole buttertub of luscious lore behind such classics as eclairs, Croquembouche, and Paris Brest. Continue reading

“Never Put Ketchup on a Hot Dog” A History of Hot Dog Stands and the Public’s Passion for Them

Presented by Bob Schwartz
Author and Senior Vice President, Customer Development, Vienna Beef, Chicago

Podcast courtesy of WBEZ’s Chicago Amplified

Come join us for a wienie celebration of Chicago hot dogs and hot dog stands. We’ll travel back to the Depression dog days of the 30’s and show the comfort those special sausages and their stands provided during their early years through the hard times of today. Continue reading