Dug from the dirt, underdogs of the vegetable world
Presented by
Diane Morgan
Podcast by Chicago Amplified at WBEZ Chicago Public Radio
Beyond the locavore movement of shopping at farmer’s markets and joining community-supported agriculture organizations (CSAs), we are global eaters, excited to explore the tables of Thailand, China, Japan, Peru, India, Ethiopia and more at ethnic restaurants. Adventuresome cooks buy cookbooks focused on a particular cuisine and hunt down ingredients in Asian or Latin American markets so they can make a hot pot, simmer a curry, or madly stir-fry. If you’re like most, you wander through the produce section of an ethnic market selecting ingredients you know-‐lemongrass, ginger, Thai chiles–‐–‐all the while wondering, what the heck is this hairy potato-like tuber? Or what do I do with galangal?Diane Morgan is an award-winning cookbook author, freelance food writer, culinary instructor, and restaurant consultant. She is the author of seventeen cookbooks, including her newest book, Roots: The Definitive Compendium. She has been involved in the world of food for more than 30 years. She spent six years in Chicago as a caterer and chef for an executive dining room. Leaving behind Chicago’s blustery, frigid winters, Diane moved to the Pacific Northwest, settling in Portland, Oregon. Her focus shifted to teaching cooking classes and pursuing a career in food writing.
Saturday, October 20, 2012 at 10:00 AM
Kendall College, School of Culinary Arts
900 N. North Branch Street, Chicago
(West of Halsted Street, North of Chicago Avenue)
Free Parking
Cost: $3,
Free to Kendall students and faculty with ID.
This program is hosted by the Chicago Foodways Roundtable. To reserve, please call (847) 432-8255
(847) 432-8255 or, then leave your name, telephone number and how many people in your party or e-mail: ChicagoFoodwaysRoundtable@gmail.com