Women, Philanthropy, Recipes, and Social Progress: A Reexamination of Primary Resources


These presentations were made at the Illinois History Conference at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum in October, 2021. Since this is ongoing research, there will be additional information learned after this event. Continue reading

Crofton Cook Book Club: Manuscript Cook Book from Fort Sheridan, 1895

Excerpt from 1895 manuscript cook book
Dive into the Dunn Museum’s collection to explore an 1895 cookbook that was used at Fort Sheridan with guest speaker Catherine Lambrecht and Museum Educator Nicole Stocker. Participants are invited to test out recipes from the cookbook prior to the program to then share their experiences along with the presenters, though it is not required to join the program. Recipe options will be emailed to participants prior to the program and can be found on the Dunn Museum’s YouTube channel under #NotDunnYet.

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Let’s Eat! Celebrating with Food

Postard from Raupp Museum for Let’s Eat Celebrating with Food

Debbie Fandrei, Raupp Museum
Korean Cultural Center of Chicago


Korean Army Stew

Let’s Eat! Celebrating with Food explores food, culture and history from the American and Korean viewpoints. Learn where people got their ingredients, how technology has changed food preparation, and explore how one ingredient, cabbage, can become very different dishes (sauerkraut and kimchi). We will compare how the harvest holidays of Thanksgiving and Chuseok are expressed in American and Korean culture. Continue reading