The Ina Monologue

Chicago’s spicy Breakfast Queen has a savory history!
Presented by
Ina Pinkney
Restaurateur, Author: Taste Memories– Recipes for Life and Breakfast

When asked to give an appeteaser of what she will share with the Culinary Historians, Ina Pinkney demurely bats her eyes: “Hmmmm… I will tell the story of how I went from Brooklyn to Breakfast… my childhood polio… coming to Chicago without knowing a soul… baking my first cake at 37 and finding my way for 33 years… I’ll talk about what it means to be me now… post restaurant and what the future might hold.” Continue reading

Culinary Street Smarts

How Latin American Street Food Catapulted into a Mainstay
Presented by Sandra A. Gutierrez
Cookbook Author, Food Writer, and Culinary Instructor

Learn how the dishes found in the streets of Latin America showcase the historical evolution of an entire culinary culture. According to Sandra A. Gutierrez, street food has been a constant in the culinary landscape of the Americas since Ancient times. By the time the Europeans conquered the New World in the 1500’s, outdoor markets and food stalls were commonplace. Historians documented finding tortillas, tamales, and atoles (hot drinks) sold in the streets of Mesoamerica. Continue reading

Jambalaya, Congri, & Hopping John

Culinary History in an Atlantic Context ‘from the Bottom Up’
Presented by
Anthony Buccini

In this talk we focus initially on two iconic regional dishes from the American South, jambalaya and Hopping John (and its Haitian and Louisianan cousins congri), which are related directly only through their inclusion of rice as a core ingredient and the etymologies of their names, and use them as exemplars of instances of the importation of culinary aesthetics from the ‘Old World’ by poor whites and enslaved blacks. In addition to offering new etymologies for these dishes’ names which are based on both sound linguistic arguments and thorough analysis of the relevant culinary history, we also examine the development of these dishes in their broader Atlantic socio-historical context. Continue reading

For the Love of Soul Food

Presented by,
Adrian Miller, author, attorney

What gives soul food its soul? Join for sweet and savory talk on the history of soul food with Adrian Miller, author of the recently published Soul Food: The Surprising Story of an American Cuisine, One Plate at a Time. He describes his book as “a love letter to African American cooks.” Continue reading

Turning on with Turmeric!

Presented by,
Colleen Sen
For thousands of years, spices have played an important role in Asian medicine. Of all the spices, none was more important than turmeric. It was used to treat gastrointestinal and pulmonary disorders, diabetes, atherosclerosis, bacterial infections, and skins diseases. A couple of decades ago, medical researchers noticed that countries where peoples’ diet regularly includes turmeric and curry powder have much lower rates of breast, prostate, lung and colon cancers childhood leukemia and Alzheimer’s than people who are not turmeric-eaters. Continue reading