Exploring the Culinary Collections at the Newberry Library

Presented by
Riva Feshbach,
Exhibits Manager

Podcast courtesy of WBEZ’s Chicago Amplified

Handout from the lecture

What happens when you search the Newberry Library catalog using terms such as “cookery,” “menu,” “chocolate” “tea” and “foodways”? You discover an unexpected trove related to the history of food, from classical works such as De honesta voluptate [et] valetudine (On Right Pleasure and Good Health, 1494), to items of more local interest, such as John Drury’s Dining in Chicago (1931).  Other highlights include early texts on chocolate, Gouffé’s heavily illustrated Le Livre de cuisine, and an array of books on “domestic economy and husbandry.”  With a backdrop of illustrations from the Library’s eclectic collections, Riva Feshbach will discuss some of her favorite food-related finds, review tips for accessing these intriguing materials, and offer ideas for how to use the Newberry’s non-food-related collections to aid in your research.
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Presented by
The Cheng Family of Sun Wah BBQ

Sun Wah BBQ
Chicago, Illinois 60640

Sun Wah BBQ is having a generational shift from its founder Mr. Cheng who immigrated from China to his American born children: son Michael and daughters Kelly and Chef Laura, who trained at Kendall College.

The children have one foot in Chinese culture and one foot in American, allowing them to convey Chinese BBQ processes expertly.  Continue reading

Chef Louis Szathmáry and “The Bakery” Restaurant

Presented by
Barbara Kuck

Podcast courtesy of WBEZ’s Chicago Amplified

Hungarian immigrant Lajos Istvan Szathmáry II Ph.D., better known to gourmets the world over as “Chef Louis” immigrated to the United States with $1.10 cents and five words of English. Educated as a journalist and psychologist in his native Hungary in a much-traveled life, he was an actor, newspaperman, soldier, marriage counselor, spy, prisoner of war, lecturer, author, TV & radio personality, adventurer and chef. Continue reading


Presented by
Walter “Ted” Fredenhagen, Jr.

The story of Prince Castle and Cock Robin will answer the following questions:

  • Who developed and why did they use those square scoops?
  • What made their ice cream so exceptionally flavorful?
  • Why did they change their name from Prince Castle to Cock Robin?
  • What was their contribution to the development of milkshake, was it really “One in a Million?”
  • Just how did they make their hamburgers so delicious and memorable?
  • How did Prince Castle/Cock Robin influence McDonald’s? If imitation is the highest form of flattery, then you have just been offered a clue.
  • Why did Prince Castle/Cock Robin fade away?
  • What remains of Prince Castle/Cock Robin today?

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