The Impact of American Indian Boarding School Education on Great Lakes Indigenous Foodways

A Case Study of the Lac du Flambeau Reservation


By: Amelia V. Katanski
$3000 Recipient of an American Midwest Foodways Scholar’s Grant

The US has a clear history of limiting Indian people’s abilities to harvest, hunt, fish for, or access their traditional foods in order to assert control over Indian communities and advance national policy objectives. Indian boarding school education is one significant way federal actions attempted to subvert native foodways. Students spent half of their time in the classroom and half working on the school farm, learning mainstream agricultural practices in the context of a boarding school curriculum that devalued indigenous knowledge and supported allotment, in which tribally-owned reservation land was broken into homesteads intended to be owned by individuals and run as family farms, producing food that mirrored European-American dietary norms and supplanting endangered traditional foodways. Continue reading

Currying Your Curiosity: Five Myths about Indian Food

Popular dishes such as tandoori chicken, butter chicken, and so-called “Moghlai cuisine” that are familiar to every Indian restaurant devotee occupy only a tiny section of the vast and diverse world of Indian cuisine. (And some are relatively recent creations to boot.) Like Chinese cuisine just two decades ago, Indian restaurant food in the west is limited to just a few regional traditions and suffers from many misconceptions. Continue reading

Illinois Has a Lot to Wine About: A Toast and Tasting to Our State’s Great History


Illinois has a thriving wine industry although this may come as a surprise to many residents of Illinois and beyond. Clara Orban, author of Illinois Wines and Wineries: the Essential Guide (SIU Press, 2014) will present the history of Illinois wines, with some little-known facts about an industry that dates back more than 150 years. She will also compare Illinois to other Midwest States and then see how the Illinois wine industry compares to that of the West Coast powerhouses. She will give an overview of the different wine regions of Illinois, the current status of grape varieties, and look into the future of Illinois wine.

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Paris Confidential

The Sinful Creations That French People Bake 
Behind Closed Doors
Presented by
Dorie Greenspan, tell-all French culinary chronicler

The “New York Times” has referred to her as a “culinary guru. So to call Dorie Greenspan an impressive cookbook author is an understatement. Over a span of 20 years, she’s written 10 cookbooks, received six James Beard and International Association of Culinary Professionals awards, and worked with culinary giants such as Pierre Hermé, Daniel Boulud, and Julia Child. She is a two-time winner of the IACP Cookbook-of-the-Year Award, And there’s more to Dorie-she’s as sweet as the sugar she writes about. That’s why we have asked her back for her third appearance before the Culinary Historians of Chicago. Dorie will dish out a behind-the-scenes look at her newest book, “Baking Chez Moi: Recipes from My Paris Home to Your Home Anywhere.” Continue reading

When Sweden Came to America, A Midwesterner Tackles her Culinary Roots

More than one million Swedes immigrated to the United States in a great wave during the 19th and early 20th century. While the impact they had on American cuisine continues today, their culinary influence is often overlooked. Join us as New York Times best-selling author Kathleen Flinn shows how there’s a lot more to Swedish cuisine than smorgasbord. Continue reading