What the Argonauts Ate

Ann Chandonnet

Many of the men (and women) who followed the California Gold Rush didn’t even know how to build a fire–let alone cook. (Jack London was an exception.) The Forty-Niners sustained themselves with simple meals of jackrabbit stew and sourdough flapjacks or baked or stewed beans. Continue reading

Fire and Ice: Classic Nordic Cooking

Darra Goldstein

Scandinavia is a land of extremes, where chic design meets rugged wilderness, where perpetual winter nights are succeeded by endless days of summer. The Scandinavians still live and cook according to seasonal rhythms, and many still practice hunting and foraging as natural activities in a region with some of the most pristine places on earth. Continue reading

Edible Memory: The Lure of Heirloom Tomatoes and Other Forgotten Foods

Presented by Jennifer Jordan, author and educator

Each week during the growing season, farmers’ markets offer up such delicious treasures as brandywine tomatoes, cosmic purple carrots, pink pearl apples, and chioggia beets—varieties of fruits and vegetables that are prized by home chefs and carefully stewarded by farmers from year to year. These are the heirlooms and the antiques of the food world, endowed with their own rich histories. Continue reading