A Culinary History of Downeast Maine

Presented by Sharon L. Joyce

Maine’s Downeast culinary history begins well before explorers arrived in the 1500s. Some of the food preparation and preservation techniques used by the Wabanakis and early colonists are still in use today. Lobster and other seafood from the Gulf of Maine and the area now known as Acadia National Park paved the way for a vibrant tourist food scene. Continue reading

Maggi Galaxy

Presented by Stephan Palmié, Anthropology Dept. at University of Chicago
Antoni Miralda, Artist and founder of Food Cultura, Foodcultura*

Image by Peter Engler+

Haitian Djon-Djon Rice

The Reader’s Mike Sula weighs in on Maggi

As part of the Living Together Performance Series which took place in Little Haiti, the Haitian neighborhood of Miami, 2018, The Maggic Banquet, a participatory food-performance by the internationally acclaimed Miami- and Barcelona-based artist Miralda, celebrated Miami’s diverse cultural heritage by tracing the culinary history of Maggi, the ubiquitous and universal seasoning brand. Continue reading

After fall from Grace, Chef and Business Partner plan the best Ever

An interview with Chef Curtis Duffy and
Business Partner 
Michael Muser,
conducted by Monica Eng, WBEZ radio

When Grace restaurant abruptly closed in 2017, the shutdown made national news. How could an eatery that had earned three Michelin stars, (one of only 14 restaurants in America to earn such status) so quickly cease to exist? Conflict with the restaurant’s chief funder apparently was the cause, and one of our country’s top chefs, Curtis Duffy, along with the restaurant’s gifted business manager were devastated. Continue reading

Civil War Camp Cooking Tour (Hainesville, IL)

Presented Erik Schultz, Long time reenactor

Civil war camp fire with fatback speared on bayonet and bacon frying in the pan.

Erik Schultz spoke on food of the Civil War in July this year. Now it is your opportunity to participate in a Civil War Camp Cooking tour guided by Erik.

Schulz has been a re-enactor for over 30 years and has lead camp cooking tours. As we walk between encampments, Erik will regale us with his experiences. Often the conversation during the journey is just as educational as the encampments we visit. Continue reading

The Last Night on the Titanic: Unsinkable Drinking, Dining & Style

Presented by
Veronica Hinke
Food Historian, Author
Chef Gale Gand

All hands on deck! Come join us and drift back in time as author Veronica Hinke delves into the drinking and elegant Edwardian dining that set the Titanic experience apart from any other. Ms. Hinke will share little-known stories about the people, places and dining connecting Chicago to the ill-fated ship. She will also give us a look at the Titanic’s actual menus and recipes, which appear in her newly released book, “The Last Night on the Titanic/Unsinkable Drinking, Dining & Style.” Several renowned Chicago-area chefs contributed historic recipes to the book, including Gale Gand, who will join Veronica in the discussion.

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